Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Well.. I haven't posted in forever! Magnolia is 16 years old today! Just kidding...but she DID turn 2 a couple weeks ago!

So much has happened in the last few months. It's hard to sort it all out but I was just lying in bed, feeling guilty that I have an empty baby book to give to Noli someday and thinking it's my job as her mom to let her know where/how/when/and where she was in her early years. It doesn't help that I am surrounded by AMAZING moms who do so much for their children and make me feel completely inadequate (you KNOW who you are).

Ok... So my last post was in July??? I am a horrible blogger! Poor Noli... she's going to be so jealous of the other kids whose mom's have every significant AND insignificant event of their lives documented. Hopefully she will still think I am ok. Ha...

Ok... since July. Good grief. Where do I start?

1. I have a new niece, Stella Anne (named after yours truly) Rankin born November 23 (oh my gosh I hope that's right) 2009. She is gorgeous. DUH. and we love her so much. She is a mini Ava but by mini, I don't mean skinny, she is a chubbo and it's perfect. Pics to come!

2. I am currently 26 almost 27 weeks preggo with 2nd child, a boy, named... Cletus the Fetus. Still working on the name, obviously. Here he is!

3. We put our house on the market and it's been on for a full month, almost 5 weeks, and during this month, we have had record snowfalls and record horrendous lack of sunshine. That's not science- the last part, that's just my personal opinion. Magnolia and I are sick of being cooped up - which means we are always HOME - which makes having a "show ready" home slightly difficult.
Anyhoozle, our hopes were to move closer to Jordan's work, out of Irving, and into an area with good schools, and good friends. At this point, we are probably pulling it off the market in a couple weeks because it's just too close to the end of this pregnancy with selling, closing, buying a new place, and moving.

On that note...
My doc says that there is a pretty likely chance that this baby will come as early as - or earlier - than Magnolia. Which is pretty scary. I am jealous of people with actual due dates. Because of that, the house coming off the market so that we can prepare for baby boy is in our near future. I fear having him come early and have to stay in the guest bedroom. It's perfect for my mom, but not exactly how I envision my baby boy nursery.

So at this point, I'm just trying to take it easy and deal with Magnolia... Which brings me to the subject at hand.

Magnolia turned 2 on the 13th of this month. I must say, she's been a GREAT kid so far. Not to sound like one of those moms, it's just that Jordan and I are shocked that between the two of us she's so chilled out and ....not wild and insane, basically. She has been pretty well behaved and hasn't required much discipline because she has always responded to "NOLI! NO!" or "DANGER!". She has always shoved her way past the kids screaming, crying, and clinging desperately to their mommies at church, or any event that requires me to drop her off and walk away. She LOVES the social interaction and could care less if I'm there. I am proud of her independence. Well, those days are over. Here is a list of things that Naughty Noli has decided are going to be a major part of her turning 2. And I'm talking literally. About a week before she turned 2 - this all happened:

1. Fits. Huge. Awful.
These fits include the following stereotypical 2 year old reactions:
-high pitched squealing
-yelling NO!
-throwing stuff, which, if you didn't know this already, Magnolia wanted me to tell you- IT'S HILARIOUS.
-and when I picked her up from MOPS today, she was hysterically crying for Mommy for the first time EVER. Not a good feeling for me.

2. Quietly destroying things.
Before you know it, she will have:
- taken off her clothes - including her diaper
- pulled out every single toy and anything small, round and dangerous is immediately placed in a direct path of where I am walking.
- she has turned my computer into a talking robot, turned screens sideways, turned on music (not a comforting feeling when you know it is just the two of you in the house and all of a sudden you hear the soothing sounds of James Taylor coming from seemingly nowhere)
- ripped up entire rolls of toilet paper
- emptied out entire boxes of baby wipes - which she promptly squeeeezes all the juice of them as though competing in a strongman competition. - complete with the grunting sound effects.
-colored on the walls, tables, fireplace... you name it.
-folded laundry left on the couch? thrown all over the place.
-and lastly, but not leastly, all of this comes with hurting herself all the time. For the first time, I actually feel like my daughter is kind of like me! She busted her lip twice doing the same thing 2 times within a 15 minute period. We're talking blood pouring out of her mouth. Turns out she's more like her mommy than originally thought.

All of this may not seem like much for you people with crazy kids, but for me, it's an enormous change and while my child is adorable and borderline perfect - this whiny wild 2 year old behavior is not my favorite thing about her.

On to the good stuff!

2 year old Noli does this stuff:

SINGS! My favorite, of course. She sings twinkle twinkle at top volume and it's just absolutely the most beautiful sounds to ever be heard on our planet. She also sings the ABC's and a few kiddie songs we listen to but she really loves The Wiggles (no one else in this house has seemed to embrace it..hmm...) They sing and dance on their show (in an extremely annoying way) and that's right up her alley. She has learned all the moves and words to a few of their songs. I have big plans to get this all on video and onto this blog before I post it. We shall see. I'm not very good at technology. Obviously.
Talks. A LOT. She went from no talking to never stopping. She has even started with little sentences. I can't decide if this is a wonderful breakthrough in our communication as parents and child, or if it's devastatingly sad because she is growing up. And she is HILARIOUS. She is already making me belly laugh. I have been waiting for this time for 2 years! She also says, I love you AND I love you too. It's definitely the best feeling even though she probably has no clue what she is actually saying. She has embraced the disappointing fact that daddy goes to work. Almost every day. And has decided that if someone isn't around, that's probably where they are. We couldn't find Trousers one day and Noli concluded that he was probably at work. Turns out he's a dog and he doesn't even have a decent resume.

She basically does everything and is right on track - or if you want to say she's a GENIUS, I won't argue. She has had a history of running a bit behind her peers, but she seems to catch up and pass them pretty quickly. She counted to 10 a couple times, then decided she just wanted to count like this, "1..2..1". Everyone in our family can attest to this. She casually mentioned 3 and 4 today. We shall see if it sticks.

Ok. I feel like I have done my job as a mom tonight. I can go to bed and hopefully even sleep. Wouldn't that be nice! I can't post quite yet as I need to try to figure out pics and videos onto this contraption, but this week!!!!

Thanks for reading this far. I type as fast as I talk so as you can imagine, I have alot of words that pour out onto this blog once I finally sit down.

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Oklahoma, United States
Special effects trained makeup artist. Advanced esthetician. Professional beauty addict and product hoarder.