Ok... maybe not a genius but We are definitely impressed! October 9th, Magnolia said DADA!!!!! It's officially her first word! The pride from us is equivalent to if she had solved the financial crisis.
Now, I was a bit skeptical until Jordan came home from work one day. I thought it was just a coincidence that our little rocket scientist babbled baba and lala and yaya and dada, but I was WRONG! Jordan walked in the door and she looked at him and declared his presence by name "DADA"!
Since early October Magnolia has had some serious milestoning happening! I'll start at the beginning... well... not the beginning of EVERYTHING... I'll just start somewhere in the middle kind of towards the end. ish.
The biggest news as of late is that Jordan's sister Heather is pregnant! We've been hoping and praying for a cousin on this side of the family and are ecstatic! She is due June 22 and we can't WAIT!
So. A brief recap.
-Magnolia says Dada for about a week and then starts calling ME dada...which is definitely not who I am.
-We take her to our chiropracter who tells me that she's pretty sure Magnolia just said, "hey!" to her when she walked up. Funny. We do hear "hey!" occasionally from her but not sure where it's directed or if it's what we think it might be. Also, everyone remarks on her excellent progress from the lump she used to be to the slightly mobile attentive Magnolia of today. A.K.A. Genius.
-One of my most amazing, wonderful, beautiful, fun, and brilliant friends from college, Jenny, comes to visit us and meet Magnolia for the first time. This is also the first time we've seen Jenny since our wedding day 2+ years ago! We are super stoked that she came! We all go to see King Tut and are sorely disappointed when we find out that King Tut isn't even there! It was King Tut's garage sale. Just a bunch of his stuff and huge canvases depicting his family tree and people that he maybe possibly might be distantly possibly related to. Slightly related to.
..... and then... I got sick. Super sick. Sicker than I've been in years. After 4 days of denying the fact that I had been running a high fever with chills AND profuse sweating and LOSING MY APPETITE (which is remarkable in itself) she convinces me to go to the doc. After a round of antibiotics, I"m feeling much better...by this point, Jenny has gone back to Omaha and I'm not sure when we'll see each other again. Still sad and mad about that. I MISS YOU JENNY!
-to OKC AGAIN!!!! Grandmommy was helping with Mags since I had "the itis".
-Magnolia is a peacock for Halloween and I have no pictures to prove it. It was a brief costume change in her life because she hated it! Jenny has one picture of Magnolia trying it on straight from the box it was delivered in but I need it sent to me in such a way that I can put it on my blog! Thank goodness Jenny is so technically savvy as I am NOT.
-Jordan's mommy, "Cessie or Bubie" gave me an offer I couldn't refuse - Mommy's day out a couple days a week so I can go to the gym or run errands. I love my baby but it is AWESOME. Thank-you Cessie!
-Aunt Heather calls and says, "I wasn't sure what you wanted for your birthday but I was hoping a niece or nephew would be ok?" Cheers and excitement ensued!!!
- We go to the Fort Worth Zoo with our besties Suzanne and Kairi and check out some monkeys and a mommy lion and her cubs. Magnolia could care less but I was pretty excited.
- Magnolia has her 9 month check-up and my pediatrician makes me feel like a horrible mother and Jordan defends us to the doc and I vow to never go back to him. I cry in the car. He's a jerk and I'm glad I have an appointment with a different pediatrician a week later.
- Between that visit and the visit with the new doc, Magnolia falls sick. Sunday she begins crying hysterically at lunch and I take her from Jordan and feel that her head is radiating heat! I take her temp when we get home and it is 102.9! NO! TERRIFYING! Luckily, her visit with the new pediatrician (who is wonderful and makes me feel like a fantastic mommy) is early the next day. She ends up having an ear infection and a bacterial infection that require antibiotics. She's feeling much better now! During her feeling horrible and not sleeping at night and crying all day unless she is in someone's arms she had 2 more milestones!!!!!!
1.) When she cries she looks at me and says MAMA! She knows I'm not Dada! I'm Mama!
2.) She started CRAWLING! We have a video of that! I have to warn you, her daddy dressed her and she has on her best Jane Fonda workout attire. Funny now, hopefully funny in 20 years when she watches it as an adult.
So this brings us up to date and I will run a brief list of Magnolia's likes and dislikes at 9 months old.
- Keys! Why do babies like keys? It boggles the mind.
- Mazzy and Trousers and Disco! Now that she can get to them, she likes a good mouthful of Trousers backhair. She gets soooo excited when Disco walks by....quickly...because if you don't remember... he has no interest in babies.
-teething biscuits and anything she can hold and chew pretty much.
- straws with a wee bit of water in them put in her mouth. She also likes it when you just drip the water down her cheeks or her nose or her forehead. Brings on the giggles. Good times!
- pulling up on ANYTHING! When she pulls up I always cheer for her (and sing the most ridiculous song ever) and she gets so excited, starts dancing, and then promptly falls.
- dog bones, specifically rawhides. Delicious. She's so sneaky and the dogs don't help. They'll just bring them to her and drop them and walk off. At least her teeth will be clean. Wait...there are NO teeth. Also, leaves and sticks and grass that stick to Disco's tail when he's outside then are deposited somewhere on the carpet inside for Magnolia to find and immediately try to eat.
- her room. it's her sanctuary. I understand.
- riding in the grocery cart! You can see so much more than in the carrier!
- Kairi! She loves her BFF bigtime! They touch each other and squeal from their strollers. Adorable.
- Jumperoo. Sadly, it has lost its luster.
- getting dressed or having her diaper changed. Apparently, it's baby torture to have a diaper changed.
- sleeping. no change there. still a bad sleeper unfortunately for Jordan and I.
- prunes. no surprise. they looked horrific.
- wearing a bib, or even a shirt sometimes. she will try to pull it off and scream. Not my favorite thing ever...
Time for the good stuff.
Pictures and hopefully videos if I can figure them out.
She's crawling! Or some variation of... Turn your volume up. You'll hear a proud Papa!
Post crawl bliss!
Noli and Kairi cold chillin' in the play area at the zoo.
The grand entrance into the zoo. I couldn't resist the side by side cuteness.
Another bathtub mohawk. Think she likes sweet potatoes and carrots??? Her orange nose told me that she loved them.
Our little Maestro
New outfit from Bubie/Cessie. Little Strawberry!
A baby present from Aunt Heather. Sweet hat!
Thanks for checking out our big bundle of heavenly joy named Magnolia!
Hey Noli - Jane Fonda called she wants her outfit back...who dresses you anyway?
I'm so in love with her in the little strawberry outfit! Man, she's cute. And I'm glad you found a baby doc that makes you feel like a good mom, and dumped the mean man doctor, because you are a FABULOUS mommy!
pics sent.
Ok...I am sold! I must come see ASAP! Need to play with Magnolia! SOOOO cute! What about sat afternoon?
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